If you're having fun, fun happens (so keep yourself entertained)
There are many reasons to have fun doing whatever you're doing.
For one thing, it's more self-sustaining. For another, fun is contagious: if you're excited, others, including journalists, will be excited too. (Disclaimer: there's probably no research to back this up, but it's true.)
Over the years, the Yes Men have changed things up pretty constantly. Sometimes it's been because things stop working the same way they used to, and new technologies coming into play. We had fun with social media for a while — with our Coal Cares, Chevron, Shellfail, and ArcticReady projects, for example — mostly because those technologies hadn't existed before. And sometimes it's because it might be just as fun to rebuild a bad organization as to demolish it.
One thing we've found increases the depth and intensity of our fun is knowing — or, ok, feeling — that what we're doing is making a difference. We just don't find it fun to do weird things for their own sake, or, heavens forfend, to make fun of those weaker than us. But doing weird things to punch up at oppressors — that's about as much fun as it's possible to have on this planet. (Skiing can come close, but only if you're good but not too good at it.)