
 Rebecca DeMarco as Tara Hart, Vanguard Chief Resilience Officer at the Wall Street Green Summit

Rebecca DeMarco (left), Jay Moorehead (right, in TerraDome) 

Rebecca DeMarco (left), Jay Moorehead (right, in TerraDome) 

Rebecca DeMarco as "Tara Hart, Vanguard Chief Resilience Officer"

Rebecca DeMarco as "Tara Hart"

Rebecca DeMarco reps Vanguard at Wall Street Green Summit

Jeff Walburn (middle left), Jay Moorehead (far right, in TerraDome) on PA Live!

Jeff Walburn (middle left), Jay Moorehead (far right, in TerraDome) on PA Live!

Jay Moorehead inside TerraDome giving interview to Fox 56 Wilkes-Barre, PA

TerraDome in the home (Jay Moorehead left, Jeff Walburn right)

TerraDome in the home (Jay Moorehead left, Jeff Walburn right)

TerraDome away from home (Elise Wunderlich)

TerraDome away from home (Elise Wunderlich)

terradome representing Vanguard on the streets of NYC

terradome representing Vanguard Group on the streets of NYC

Elise Wunderlich in TerraDome

Elise Wunderlich in the TerraDome

Elise Wunderlich in the TerraDome