
All hijinks... ever

These are projects carried out over the years by the Yes Men and their student and organizational partners.

For a timeline of when and why they occurred, see our timeline (coming soon). For why we did certain actions, and how well we think they succeeded, see our press pages. For the full, gory stories behind actions, take a peek behind the curtain

Occupy Wall Street actions
Zuccotti Square in Manhattan was occupied in September 2011, the result of a whole lot of local organizing (and not, as some have claimed, the result of a call in Adbusters magazine).  Here's the story of how we first found ourselves drawn in to…
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Phone Story
How would you like to force children to mine precious metals, save suicidal workers from jumping to their deaths so they can labor another day, or find the cheapest way to dispose of mountains of e-waste—all while keeping productivity up so you can…
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Coal Cares
An environmental group asks the Yes Men to highlight the newly-proven link between childhood asthma and coal. The result: a "coal industry" initiative called Coal Cares, offering free decorated inhalers to children who live within a few miles of…
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The Water is Safe To Drink
Official-looking stickers, chillingly assuring that the water is "most likely safe," appeared above public faucets throughout New York. The stickers, and the website they refer to, were created in order to alert people to just what would be at stake…
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The Alberta Tar Sands is ... Mordor?
A fuzzy cell phone video of an Elijah Woods sighting in Alberta, Canada. A fake Alberta Film website touting the advantages of filming at the Tars Sands. A fake production company website, a gossip video blog, an angry press release by the Tolkien…
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Coal for the Rich
Students from Columbia College in Chicago came together with Greenpeace and The Yes Lab to take on the Chicago coal industry. The group created an elaborate scheme to announce that a new coal plant was planned—but instead of going in a poor…
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GE Returns Billions to Public Coffers... Not
When GE announced that the company would return its illegitimate (but legal) $3.2 billion tax refund, and that they would lobby to close the sort of corporate tax loopholes that had allowed them to skip taxes in the first place, it seemed too good…
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My Hair Cares
PROBLEM: Oil Spill. SOLUTION: Mop it up with human hair! That was the message behind the cockamamie “MyHairCares” hoax, attributed to oil transport giant Enbridge, a Canadian company looking to build a 700+ mile pipeline through pristine British…
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Apple Goes "Conflict Free"
On behalf of Apple, students from the New School in New York, adovocacy group Friends of the Congo, and the Yes Lab, launched a fake Apple website announcing an exciting new ethical product from the hip computer giant: the iPhone4-CF. "CF" stands…
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Chevron's $80 million ad campaign gets flushed
A simple leak blossomed into a frenzy and then another — all of it hilariously fun, albeit stressful — that ended up destroying Chevron's profoundly misguided ad campaign. Browse the videos, releases, and press to the right, or read our full account…
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France Remains Offensive
An ad-hoc group called CRIME (Committee for the Reimbursement of Indemnity Money Extorted from Haiti) announced, on France’s behalf, the repayment of €17 billion to Haiti in relief aid—a payment equal to France extorted from Haiti in 1804 as a…
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World Leaders Address Poverty
In 2010 we created a fake website and some early "deep fake" videos for the World Economic Forum in Davos. Click on the links to the right to see each of these videos…
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Fake websites


These are videos that reveal actions, are used within actions, or come out of actions.

For standalone shorts, see our movies page.

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Behind the curtain


Fake press releases

These are fake press releases used in our actions.

Note: we always reveal our fakes in short order — and that's what distinguishes these from the bad kind of fakes. For why we did certain actions, and how well we think they succeeded, see our press pages.