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REFUGREENERGY Launches in Brussels: Migrants Legitimized as Power Source

October 3rd, 2017 (BRUSSELS) REFUGREENERGY, a green energy startup utilizing the power of refugees to fight climate change, successfully launched its public campaign in partnership with the city of Brussels on Saturday, September 30th, 2017. Outside of la Bourse, Brussels' former stock exchange, the launch was met with the overwhelming support and praise of both the Belgian media and the general public. Hundreds were present to learn how to turn Belgian's migrant and climate problems into efficient, sustainable solutions.

REFUGREENERGY capitalises on the human energy of refugees who pedal around Brussels by enabling them to simultaneously charge batteries that are then distributed directly to consumers. The goal is to fulfill three main objectives: ecological (by providing 100% clean and fair energy to consumers); economical (by offering a guaranteed a wage of 1,60 € per day via a "pico-job," a 24-hour renewable contract that also grants the refugee legal status for the time-period); and social (by helping the REFUGREEN© - as the migrant is known - to integrate, via productive work and direct communication with Belgian consumers, and by giving Belgian citizens a guilt-free way to help the less fortunate).

“Our objective is to come full circle with a solution to both climate change and the migratory crisis. Global warming accelerates migration, so why not use migrants to reduce it? For us, it was quite obvious: black is the new green!” says CEO Theo Merckx. Co-founder and CEO Thibault Leroy adds, “The idea struck us after being inspired by Theo Francken, Begian state secretary for immigration & asylum. He said he can understand the added value of the Jewish, Chinese or Indian diasporas but hardly the one of Moroccan, Congolese or Algerian. We wanted to give him the right answer.”

Perched contently atop his demo bike and slightly out of breath, Hervé, one of the startup's first REFUGREEN©, asserts, “I feel indebted to Belgium for letting me stay. I guess that if through my legs – through pedaling on that bike – I can give them such a gift, then I'm up for it. They say there is gold in my legs - and there is.”

REFUGREENERGY gives migrants a purpose, answers our need for sustainable sources of energy, and contributes to a smarter, greener and more efficient use of energy while creating smart-jobs and prosperity in our society. Now that it has launched in Brussels, the startup is gearing up for the international market, and has its sights set on the UK for 2019.

Media refer: Théo Merckx | t. +32 498 33 88 62 | e.