

The end of corporate lobbying, Medicare for all, tuition-free college... if the Democrats had taken these stands in 2017, where would we be today?

Learn the secrets to all of our hijinks,* and then work with us** to pull off your own. Or watch movies, read rantsbrowse around, find out why we did what, or learn how our stuff (maybe) works.

* Or their presstalks, videoswebsites, emails, releases, photos, and stories (with lessons).
** Here's a little video that sums up how.


Fiction can sometimes lead to reality
Believe you're going to change everything. Sort of.
Always, always punch up. Never, ever punch down.
A campaign takes a long time to win; one action is just a small part of it
If you must lie (and you must), lie honorably
If you're having fun, fun happens (so keep yourself entertained)
Actions always fail, but movements usually succeed
Goofy humor can convey very serious things (laughtivism)
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Something you want to do? Let's go! For example:

Shortened versions on our Instagram and our Youtube.
Collaboration with Shepard Fairey hacks Unicode and WIRED to expose greenwashing champs behind LNG
Arts org subverts its own gala to publicize looming crime
adidas launches a virtual world for underpaid garment workers abroad, so they can enjoy pleasures they can't possibly afford in real life. And guess what? That A-ok!
At the National Press Club in Washington, DC, "Toyota executives" presented Electra, an AI "eco-copilot" designed to greenwash the automaker's pro-fossil fuel lobbying and carbon-transition laggardry.

Who are we?

Ever since 1996, the Yes Men have used humor and trickery to highlight the corporate takeover of society, the neoliberal delusion that allows it, the corporate Democrats' responsibility for our current situation, and so on. And while we're all about "building awareness," we do realize that's not all there is, and that it's only ongoing campaigns that really make change.

We are you if you join us!

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